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The Black Mountain: Quick Reads 2022

The Black Mountain: Quick Reads 2022

Kate Mosse, Yolanda Kettle

Price: £1.66

On Sale: 14 April 2022

About the Book

The Black Mountain is a Quick Read short story from bestselling author Kate Mosse.

It is May, 1706. Ana, a young Spanish woman, lives in a small town on the north-west coast of Tenerife with her mother and twin younger brothers. The town is in the shadow of a mighty volcano, which legend says has the devil living inside it. However, there has been no eruption for thousands of years and no one believes it is a threat.

One day, Ana notices that the air feels strange and heavy, that the birds have stopped singing. Tending the family vineyard, a sudden strange tremor in the earth frightens her. Very soon it will be a race against time for Ana to help persuade the town that they are in danger and should flee before the volcano erupts and destroys their world. Will they listen? And Ana herself faces another danger . . .


Kate Mosse is an award-winning novelist, playwright, essayist and non-fiction writer, the author of eight novels and short story collections, including the multimillion-selling Languedoc Trilogy, The Burning Chambers Series and number one bestselling Gothic fiction The Winter Ghosts and The Taxidermistā€™s Daughter. Her books have been translated into thirty-seven languages and published in more than forty countries. The Founder Director of the Womenā€™s Prize for Fiction, she is the Founder of the global Woman In History campaign.

Product Details

ISBN: 9781529088489

Published: 14 April 2022